Case-Based Exploration: Achilles Tendon Injuries

by Debra Canapp, Sherman Canapp

How can you tell right away whether a dog has an Achilles injury? What approach works best to fully diagnose, treat, and rehab this condition?

Achilles Tendon injuries in dogs can be challenging to diagnose and are often extremely frustrating to manage. When caught and treated early, dogs encountering this injury can return to function. The goal should always be to avoid the “last resort” of a tarsal fusion, even for the more chronic cases.

In this webinar, Drs. Debra and Sherman Canapp walk you through the diagnostic process, treatment, and rehab options of Achilles Tendon injuries with a real-life case.

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • Diagnostics: What kinds of Achilles injuries occur and how you can diagnose them
  • Treatment options
    • Rehabilitation therapy
    • Orthopedic devices (sport wraps and braces)
    • Regenerative medicine (PRP, stem cell therapy)
    • Surgery
  • Real-life case: history, presentation, diagnostics, treatments, rehab, recovery, and return to function

Link to slides (external)
Link to the series (external)