In this episode, Drs. Sherman and Debra Canapp focus on the use of MSK ultrasound to diagnose a forelimb injury and discuss the rehabilitation program that follows. They will walk you through the case of a 7-month-old Golden Retriever with a three-month history of left forelimb lameness that began after he had been playing rough with another dog—what should be done when the young canine is unresponsive to rest and NSAIDs?
Join the Canapps as they walk you through the process from the physical exam to diagnostics, treatment, and follow-up. This is followed by a 30-minute open Q&A session with questions about the case and other difficult cases submitted by veterinarians.
Learning Objectives
How to isolate the reason and cause for the lameness
How to decide which diagnostic tests should be performed and interpret the results
How musculoskeletal ultrasound can definitively diagnose the cause of the soft tissue injury
How to perform the treatment step-by-step
How to determine the best post-treatment plan
How to create the plan and perform rehabilitation
About Coffee with the Canapps—Live!
As a Companion customer, this is your opportunity to learn from The Canapps in a casual environment, get specific details on new and effective ways to treat common conditions, and obtain personalized feedback for your most challenging cases.