Feline Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

by Michael Jaffe, DVM, MS, CCRP, DACVS
  1. Dr. Jaffe discusses the benefits of rehabilitation therapy in this webinar, especially for feline patients. You will see which patients are ideal for rehabilitation, how the tissues of the body respond to disuse and/or immobilization, and see what can be done to help with remobilization. Dr. Jaffe will also cover the benefits of various strategies utilized in rehabilitation therapy, including the relevant modalities.

    Learning Objectives

    1. Benefits of rehabilitation therapy, particularly in feline patients
      How to effectively perform passive range of motion exercises
      Indications and contraindications for heat and cold therapy, as well as clinical utilities
      The benefits of photobiomodulation, therapeutic ultrasound, electrotherapy, and other modalities for various situations
      Which therapeutic exercises can benefit feline patients in various situations
      The outcome measures that can be used to determine success

    Click here to download Dr. Jaffe's notes