Photobiomodulation Experiences And Use Cases In The ER And Urgent Care

by Jennifer Johnson and Tannetje Crocker

In this new webinar, Drs. Jennifer Johnson and Tannetje Crocker discuss some obvious and not-so-obvious uses for class IV laser therapy in emergency care that they've discovered during their time in practice. 

They begin with an overview of why photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy is an essential tool before discussing dosing, common uses in the emergency room, an array of applications like eye injuries, parvo, toxin ingestion, pancreatitis, cystitis, respiratory problems, and more.

Additional topics covered include successful clinic implementation, how to communicate value to clients, and sharing their own experiences with laser therapy.

Learning Objectives

  • Why PBM is an effective modality for pain and inflammation
  • The importance of correct dosing
  • Emergency room and urgent care applications of PBM, including
    • Skin & ear conditions
    • Acute vomiting
    • Trouble urinating
    • Traumatic injuries
    • Bite wounds
    • Surgical cases
  • Successful implementation into existing clinic protocols
  • Managing time and space so PBM becomes part of everyday use

Click here to download the papers referenced during the lecture


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Pablo Lopez